Saturday 4 June 2011

Who's fault is it????

Who's fault is it???
Mine that i trusted you???
Or yours that you made me believe you????

Who's fault is it????
Mine that i cant stop thinking about you???
Or yours that you never waste a thought on me.....??

I WANNA TALK TO YA badly but cant gather the courage to call ya.....
Who's fault is it???
Mine that i dunno what i will talk about after a few statements and i am scared we'll end up fighting????
Or yours that u end up all my statements and questions with a single word or two and never bother to initiate any conversation????

I WANNA MEET YA... But we dont...
Who's fault is it????
Mine that i cant convince you enough to meet me????
Or yours that you are tooo busy for me but not for the rest of your friends?????

I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME... As much as i do....
Who's fault is it????
Mine that i am being greedy... asking for more than what i deserve????
Or yours that you are being a miser and stubborn enuff not to let go of your emotion????

Who's fault is it????
Mine that i never took myself seriously....
Or yours that you see everything negative in me.....???

I dunno what am i supposed to do....
Hang on???? Move on???? Cry??? Laugh???? Complain???? Argue????
Do what????
And this time i know who's fault it is.... ITS MINE....
Bcuz i am forgetting the fact that some decisions in life are meant to b taken alone... For your benefit and for others... And i am being a coward by not facing the reality..... The reality is that i am not good enough for you..... BUT.... That doesnt mean i am not good enough.... There definitely is someone, for whom i'll just not be good enough but the best.... And till the time i find him, its better i stop insulting myself.....
As the night comes to an end, i pray to the ALMIGHTY to gimme strength to stand up and do whats right for me.... AMEN...!!!!
But before it all ends.... Before i give up all my emotions... Before its the last time we hear each other's voice... Before the relationship slips into a deep slumber.... I need to tell you something..... I LOVE U.... and probably WILL ALWAYS DO....!!!!


  1. Loved it!!! :-)..keep sharing ...

  2. Stop Howling…Trust Yourself…Trust GOD…
    & Concentrate on Career …………

  3. @sumz... thanx for the enlightment dear... and double thanx for your generous comment.... love u my friend... (till i get my hands on ur neck..!!!)

  4. chilll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. well written but why so depressing.... Always remember one thing... those who mind dont matter, and those who matter dont mind... so enjoy your life gal... be casual.. dont get serious... and dont let anyone have the kind of hold on you that living becomes difficult for you!!!
    Sorry for giving gyan but I feel you need it.. and as usual you will not pay heed to it!!!

  6. @kunal.... basically u guys need to chill....... why cant u just read it as post.... why do u have to relate it to my life.... bhagwaan na kare ye zindagi meri ho.... its just SOMEONE'S feelings and situations put into words..... grrrrrrr

  7. @maddy..... when this love happens, 99% stories end on a depressing note.... dun worry, i am not on the path.... this is a story, someone's eyes and sobs told me... i just gave words to the silence......
    guess what??? u r just back in cal, and i already need that oitment and crepe badly... :D :D :D... so yes.... i will neverrrrrrr pay heed to ur gyaan.... :)
    love u

  8. Good start... keep blogging...
